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The Role of Company Culture in Performance Reviews

The Role of Company Culture in Performance Reviews

Most leaders know that building a high-performance culture drives organizational success. However, many may not understand how to use their company’s culture to help employees continuously improve and grow. Making it a cornerstone of performance...

CultureSuite: The Solution You’ve Been Waiting For

At CultureWise, we champion all the Fundamentals that form the basis of our company. But as we work on developing and delivering our products, two stand out: Do What’s Best for the Customer and Be Relentless about Improvement. As we focus on...

Use Company Culture to Cultivate Great Managers

“People don’t leave bad jobs; they leave bad managers.” This mantra has circulated for decades and has a kernel of truth, but it doesn’t reflect the scope of the problem.

No one wants to work for an awful boss. However, people’s issues with their...

workplace incivility

The Cost of Workplace Incivility

A small handwritten sign by the doctor’s office check-out window said it all. "It doesn't cost extra to be nice."

During the pandemic, reports of customers treating healthcare workers poorly were rampant. People took their fears and frustrations out...

gen z in the workplace

The Impact of Gen Z on the Workplace

Organizations experienced a shift in employee sentiment that ramped up during the pandemic and accelerated in its wake. As a result, the top-down, control-and-command mode of leadership that dominated the workplace started to fade as companies made...

employees make lasting impressions count

Appearance Counts: Making Lasting Good Impressions at Work

One of COVID's workplace legacies is working from home in yoga pants and flip-flops. Another is stories of coworkers who appeared on Zoom meetings dressed for work only from the waist up.

But now that many people have resumed in-person work, the...