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Make Successful Promotions Part of Your Company’s Culture

Most workers dream about moving up the ladder, getting a more impressive title, and landing a raise. Those offered higher positions usually think they’re ready for the new role and accept the challenge. At first, they revel in the expanded...

company rituals

The Power of Using Rituals in Company Culture

The concept of practicing rituals at work may seem a bit odd. We often associate them with religious customs or recreational activities like athletics, where they carry a lot of symbolism. In these situations, rituals are used to unify people in...

two women mentoring about company culture

From a Mentoring Program to a Mentoring Culture

Your organization probably sponsored a mentoring program at one time or another. But there’s a good chance the program ended. What caused it to fail? Was it a lack of dedicated mentors? Or indifferent mentees? Most likely, the root cause was that...